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  • What Is Stale Air and How to Get Rid of It?

    Stale air is indoor air that hasn’t had enough fresh air circulating through it. Most people notice stale air because the pent up pollutants have an unpleasant smell or make a room feel stuffy. At low levels, stale air is...

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  • How Often Should You Change Replacement Air Filters

    To help protect your air purifier’s lifespan, and improve comfort, it’s important to clean or replace your air purifier filter regularly. Here’s why: Efficiency: A dirty or clogged air filter can restrict airflow through the system.  Comfort: Knowing how often to change...

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  • Bringing Indoor Air Quality Front and Center

    According to the EPA, indoor levels of pollutants are often significantly higher than outdoor levels. And, most homes have at least one air quality problem, ranging from temperature and humidity issues to particle allergens, and chemical pollutants. Brought on by...

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  • All About Air Filters

    Your central AC system keeps you cool and comfortable every summer by moving a lot of air, both inside and outside your home and air conditioner maintenance is important. Inside your home, there is an air handler unit that draws...

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  • 5 Steps to Replace Your 1" Air Filter

    If spring cleaning is a rite of passage in your home, you probably have a set routine for what gets cleaned and what doesn’t. One item that may not be on your list is your heating and cooling system’s air...

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  • How Often Should You Change Air Filters

    Your central AC system keeps you cool and comfortable every summer by moving a lot of air, both inside and outside your home, which is why AC maintenance is important. Inside your home, there is an air handler unit that draws indoor...

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